About Us

Seed of Abraham Global began in December 2016 with a short mission to Uganda and Malawi. Shortly after these trips, miraculous doors began to open to other nations.

The mission is simple: Help those who have nothing to give in return. And unify the body of Christ globally.

Not an organization; the Body of Christ.

We are Kingdom Builders!


To help the desperately impoverished of the world while teaching them how to prosper within their own countries.

To empower young ministries globally by unifying the Body of Christ both through the teaching of God's Word and through corporate prayer.

Put simply, unanimously agreeing to agree with the Holy Spirit.


From water sources to feeding and clothing the hungry, to building churches and orphanages, SOA Global helps those who are called by God to help others.

We don't pretend to know everything, but together the Kingdom of God is being expanded in a radical way.

Rather than pushing a particular organization, we want to spread the Word of God and help others who do the same.


Our community is the family of God. If you believe Jesus is Lord and you have been born again, then we are family.

Though we may not agree on all points, let us agree that the Holy Spirit will teach us through God's Word, through each other, and through our experiences, leading us to all truth and righteousness.

We are a humble, selfless people giving our all to the One who gave His all. Jesus.

A Message from the Founder:

"The more I travel, the more I see we are all the same and that the whole world needs Jesus desperately.

We are here for such a short time and then we live somewhere forever.  It is so easy to live in the here and the now but it's time to pay close attention to what is important to the One that determines our eternal destiny.

In Matthew 25, Jesus makes it very simple.  He WILL come with all of His angels and will divide everyone on either side of Himself.  On one side sheep, and the other goats.  It's that simple.  Then He tells us why he accepts the sheep and rejects the goats.”

Which one are you?

Meet the Team

  • Stephen Cannon


  • Bishop Khobidi


  • ?


Contact Us!

Seed of Abraham Global

Headquarters located in Malawi, Africa


  • Malawi

  • Mozambique

  • South Africa

  • Pakistan

Mailing Address:

  • 123 Demo Street
    Lake Tahoe, CA